[Avodah] Fwd: Tefillin d'Rabbenu Tam

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Tue Sep 10 14:26:10 PDT 2013

On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 02:45:29AM +0000, shalomyitz at comcast.net wrote:
: But, the more I thought about it, it made less sense. Those who put on Rabbenu Tam tefillin 
: presumably do so because there is a safek about which is right...

I would not assume this. It would mean that every lifnim mishuras hadin
is to cover one's halachic bases, and not because doing things the other
way resonates with their aggadic position or lomdus.

Does someone who is careful not to fress out on kosher food -- qadeish
es atzmekha bemah shemutar lakh -- doing so out of doubt over kashrus?

I got the following from Liqutei Halakhos, OC, Tefillin 5:27-29, 6:16:

Maggid of Mezritch:

In R' Tam tefillin, "vehayah im shomoa" which warns against violation and
thus expresses midas hadin, precedes "shema yisrael" and middas harachamim.
This was the original intent -- to create the world al pi din. (To throw
in inyana deyoma: The same Rabbeinu Tam says "hayam haras olam" refers
to the conception of the world, not its birth. Because the plan was to
rely on midas hadin, and thus appropriate for Tishrei. But the actual
execution was via the rachamim of Nissan.)

Rashi's tefillin, however, reflects our current dependence on midas

R' Nachman continues the thought:

So the chiyuv is al pi Rashi, since that's how the world actually works.

But wearing Rabbeinu Tam's draws down the energies of the ideal, the avos,

In 6:16 R' Nachman does refer to doubt, but not the doubt about which is
the din, but about when to use rachamim and when din.


Micha Berger             The fittingness of your matzos [for the seder]
micha at aishdas.org        isn't complete with being careful in the laws
http://www.aishdas.org   of Passover. One must also be very careful in
Fax: (270) 514-1507      the laws of business.    - Rav Yisrael Salanter

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