[Avodah] Minhagim of the Ashkenaz Synagogue ("The Luach") (5774)

Prof. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Wed Sep 4 09:28:16 PDT 2013

At 01:51 AM 9/4/2013, Marty Bluke wrote:
>R' Y. Levine wrote that saying Selichos at 6:20AM on Sunday morning 
>is at least as authentic as saying it at 1AM.

I did not write this.  You have not quoted me properly.  Please 
review my post.

>Actually I don't think so. If you said Selichos at 5 AM maybe. 
>However, if you look in the Shulchan Aruch and Poskim, selichos are 
>supposed to be said before dawn when it is still dark out. That is 
>why the poskim have discussions about whose Talis the Shliach Tzibur 
>should wear when saying Selichos because Selichos were said before 
>the zman of tzitzis so there was a question about making a beracha.
>Saying Selichos at 6:20 is starting after sunrise which was 
>certainly not the minhag in Europe.

It all depends where you are located.  6:20 is before sunrise in some places.


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