[Avodah] Desire for the Prohibited

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Tue Aug 13 15:57:52 PDT 2013

I wasn't sure I should do this, because it may derail the conversation.
But I decided to change the subject line so as to start a new thread,
and risk it.

On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 01:10:41PM +0000, R' Akiva Miller wrote on
the thread "Must we agree with the Torah?":
: So too here: If Hashem sees pork as something to be avoided, then
: I want to avoid it as well. I don't really need the Taamei Hamitzvos
: that I mentioned in my previous post. What I *do* need is a real love
: of Him and identification with Him: If *He* likes it or doesn't like it,
: then that goes for me too. THAT is "Asei Retzono retzonkha".

Does this mean that a homosexual is charged with not only resisting
acting on that desire for issur, but to try to eliminate it?

With what I called the "classical" answer (as consequently corrected),
it would depend if the issur is considered mefursemet. WRT arayos in
general, the Rambam in 8 Peraqim says that a person could still have
the yeitzer, unlike e.g. the desire to steal. But that's echoing R/Dr
Meir Shinnar, and not based on having a source exact enough to look
up myself to see if the Rambam mentions the example or left us on our

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             "And you shall love H' your G-d with your whole
micha at aishdas.org        heart, your entire soul, and all you own."
http://www.aishdas.org   Love is not two who look at each other,
Fax: (270) 514-1507      It is two who look in the same direction.

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