[Avodah] Synthetic Meat

Kenneth Miller kennethgmiller at juno.com
Tue Aug 6 17:24:40 PDT 2013

Just to clarify this layman's understanding of some comments made by others:

R' Zev Sero wrote:

> A BP is meat.  This is a sort of fungus.  If we were to scan a
> piece of bacon down to the molecular level and then synthesize
> a molecule-for-molecule copy using raw materials gathered from
> mineral sources, it would surely be kosher and parev, and have
> no connection to a BP.

R' Nachum Binyamin Klafter, MD wrote:

> The synthetic meat was never a cow and does not resemble meat
> in any manner.  Synthetic meat looks like white pieces of
> tofu. There's no blood in it.  It doesn't not resemble real
> meat in any way.  The meat of a ben paku'ah looks just like
> veal.  But more fundamentally, the sages did not make the
> gezeira of ben paku'ah on synthetic meat.  They made the
> gezeira on a fetal calf.

To those who fear that this synthetic meat is similar to real meat, I ask them to consider: Not only does it lack blood (as RNBK wrote) but it also lacks fat, veins, cartilage, and the like. Or so I would imagine, based on the idea that the culture began with some sort of muscle cell. Even if it began with a stem cell,  I suspect that it would then grow into a messy mass of muscle cells, and not a nicely grained steak.

Akiva Miller
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