[Avodah] Synthetic Meat

Yitzchak Schaffer yitzchak.schaffer at gmx.com
Mon Aug 5 06:04:11 PDT 2013

On 08/04/2013 10:09 PM, Nachum Binyamin Klafter, MD wrote:
> We will need to see precisely how the tissue is grown.  However, I
> assume that the following is the case:  Stem cells which are in an
> aqueous solution and have absolutely no visible, detectable metziyus...

> My understanding is that the "meat" would be parve, and that there
> should be no problem of eiver min-ha-chay or any other kashrus issue.

Wouldn't this be just as "bad" as poultry in terms of resembling meat,
and thus subject to an issur de-rabanan?

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