[Avodah] Grape juice

Prof. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Wed Jul 24 14:05:22 PDT 2013

At 02:03 PM 7/24/2013, R. Micha wrote:
> In terms of the purpose of the seder, recall that using non-mevushal
> wine means either not inviting non-observant Jews to join and learn about
> Yetzias Mitzrayim, or on a kulah WRT stam yeinam of a tinoq shenishba.

There is another option, namely, to have only those who are observant
pour the wine. At our seder no one pours his/her own wine. Usually
my older grandchildren do the pouring. This can be mentioned at the
beginning of the seder and the non-observant Jews will simply accept it.


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