[Avodah] Havdalah during the nine days

Eli Turkel eliturkel at .gmail.com
Thu Jul 18 08:53:15 PDT 2013

> But if a particular batch is not sweet enough, they mix it with a grape
> juice concentrate that has concentrated sugars in it to raise the brix
> (sweetness value).

As an aside Kedem has a very different taste than Israeli grape juices. We
once bought Kedem grape Juice in Israel and gave it to some grandchildren
and they couldnt take the taste (too sweet).
I have heard similar but opposite stories in the US of people who liked
Kedem but could not take the Israeli grape juices

[Email #2. -micha]

Akiva asks:
> How does Rav Rimon hold on these other areas? Is grape juice Hagafen?
> Does it become assur on being touched by an akum? Can it be used for
> Friday night
> Kiddush? If he says yes to these three, then I'd like to hear more about
> why he distinguishes between wine and grape juice during the nine days. And
> if his answer is the alcohol, then does he allow beer or whiskey during the
> nine days?

I cant answer all these qiestions but I do have his sefer on the seder
(he goes through every detail of the seder from the halachic viewpoint
together with nice pictures and biographies.

His psak is that first preference for the arba kosos is wine because it
includes "cherut". If one cannot drink wine for any reason (including
simply a deepp distaste) then it is not cherut to drink wine and one can
"lechatchila" (his words) use grape juice.
ie if drinking wine will make it difficult (hichbid) to do the mitzvot
of the night then grape juice is preferable.
(He quotes Griz and RSYE).

I note that what I saw about making havdalah was in one of the shabbat
pamphlets and so does not come with a complete discussion and sources.


As an aside R. Rimon is the author of probably some dozen books on halacha
(I lost count he can come out with more than 1 a year). They all are
presented from a very practical viewpoint. I strongly feel that his sefer
on shmitta is the best around. Besides bringing all the shitot (including
R. Kook!) he is very knowledgable in the practical side of growing fruits
and vegetables.

In addition to his writing and being a town rabbi in Alon Shvut and
teaching in Har Etzion he has organized and runs the group to provide
employment and other help to those who were evicted from gush katif

Eli Turkel

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