[Avodah] Seeing the Simcha of Yerushalayim

Ezra Chwat Ezra.Chwat at nli.org.il
Wed Jul 17 07:11:16 PDT 2013

Some interesting stats on the phrase "kol... zoche vi..." 

Appears just once in  Mishnah, and never in Tosephta or Yerushalmi.
9 Tannaic sources (3 of them R. Yonatan). 13 Amoraic, (not including
the one mentioned in the inquiry).

The "zchut" earned in sources break down as follows: Olam Haba-9, future
or unnatural Olam Hazeh- 7, Olam Hazeh- 4.

So there's plenty of room to understand the intention of "Zoche V'roeh
Bsimchata" as all of the above.

Dr. Ezra Chwat
The Department of Manuscripts/
The National Library of Israel

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