[Avodah] maamid

Eli Turkel eliturkel at gmail.com
Sat Sep 21 23:51:32 PDT 2013

<<The CI holds that ma'amid does not only go to one level of
causation. Since the sekhakh rests on the walls, or on wood that rests
on the walls, the walls are maamid, and since they in turn are ma'amidim
via the screws, the screws are maamidim the sekhakh as well (by 2 steps
of causation).>>

Just to stress gain, CI is a shitat yachid that few follow.
Arukh HaShulchan states that Maamid is derabbanan for basically maarat ayin.
People would get confused between the metal holding up the schach and the
schach. Hence it does
not apply to something holding up the maamid and certainly not to nails

Eli Turkel
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