[Avodah] manuscripts

Eli Turkel eliturkel at gmail.com
Wed Sep 18 00:48:38 PDT 2013

Concerning the use of recently published manuscripts I note that one
problem is the authenticity of some of these manuscripts. i.e. were they
written by the person listed

I saw an article that claimed that part of the opposition to using newly
found manuscripts was caused by the controversy over "Besamin Rosh" which
most academics consider to be a forgery although many poskim still claim it
is written by the Rosh.
Of course we all know that there was much confusion between the chiddushim
of the Ramban,Rashba, Ritva etc many of which were published originally
switching the author.

I also recently read an article abount the Malbim that some of the seforim
"by the Malbi" were written by others in a style they felt was true to the
Malbim - sort of like kosher style food

chag sameach

Eli Turkel
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