cantorwolberg at cox.net cantorwolberg at cox.net
Sun Sep 15 05:33:51 PDT 2013

   We traditionally begin planning and building our Succah immediately following Yom Kippur.
   Halacha has set down many specific architectural regulations regarding the construction plan
   and material make-up of the sukkah. Among these regulations are laws pertaining to the s'chach
   which serves as the roof for the sukkah. The s'chach is required to be placed in such a fashion, 
   as the rabbis have taught: "k'dei she-yei-ru hakochavim" -- so that anyone in the sukkah may be
   able to peek through the s'chach and see the stars in the sky. The symbolism is compelling!

   I "see" it as teaching there is a lot more beyond our "temporary" earthly dwelling place, if only
   we looked heavenward and saw beyond the covering of green foliage. Succos is the only 
   holiday where we are commanded to be happy (v'somachta b'chagecha). How can a person be
   commanded to be happy? However, we have hopefully just had our sins forgiven and now we
   become aware that there is much to look forward (upward) to. This certainly can bring us happiness.

   A good joke also cheers us up and in thinking about the beautiful metaphor of seeing beyond the
   s'chach and being commanded to be happy, I thought of the following story: 
   A long time depressed man had undergone years of therapy and finally left his home for a trip to Florida. 
   After a great few days, he sent a postcard to his psychiatrist which read:
    Dear Doctor Cohn,
    I'm having a wonderful time and I'm so happy. WHY??

   Let us never question our happiness. Rather look upward and beyond the s'chach!

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