[Avodah] How many Korban Pesachs could be sacrificed in 1 day?

Marty Bluke marty.bluke at mail.gmail.com
Tue Sep 3 01:47:50 PDT 2013

R' M Cohen wrote:
> Either the number is guzma (but this is not mentioned by the mforshim),
> or there were multiple miracles necessary (also not mentioned by the
> mforshim)

Why would the Gemara exaggerate here? The Gemara seems to be simply telling
us a historical fact. Regarding miracles, this would require multiple major
miracles, why wouldn't these be mentioned somewhere?

[Email #2.'

R' Zev Sero wrote:
> If 2000 people are actively sacrificing at any one time, and each of those
> occupies 1 sq metre, that leaves 1500 sq metres for all the people who are
> waiting their turn, and for the kohanim's lines, etc.  It's tight, but
> probably doable even without miracles.

How it is just tight? as I pointed out there are only 3 groups for
Korban Pesach meaning that the groups consist of 400,000 (or more). Do
you really think 398,000 people can fit in 1500 square meters?

[Email #3.]

R' Zev Sero wrote:
> And of course there were miracles, e.g. on Yom Kippur, so why not on Erev
> Pesach as well?

As opposed to Yom Kippur, I haven't seen a single source in Chazal or
Rishonim saying that the hakrava of the Korban Pesach was miraculous.

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