[Avodah] Rav Lau on Pesach Chizkiyahu

Ben Waxman ben1456 at zahav.net.il
Mon Jul 22 11:25:13 PDT 2013

In Rav Lau's new book on Yishiyahu, Rav Lau discusses Pesach Chizkiyahu 
(where Chizkiyahu invited those Jews from the Northern tribes who had 
survived the war to Jerusalem for Pesach, while adding an extra month to 
enable them to go through tahara).

Rav Lau describes Chizkiyahu's actions as one designed to bring achdut 
ha'am, a step in the messianic process (a national, political revolution 
centered around Pesach) and to do this he was willing to push off the chag.

Rav Lau then cites the tradition that the chachamim at the time didn't 
agree with the decision (and theorizes as to why they objected), but Rav 
Lau defends it, stating that Chizkiyahu knew that he had a rare window 
of opportunity, one that can't be missed. He understood that he was 
taking a drastic, but required step. The tzadaqim who advised him didn't 
understand the situation and stuck with the known and secure halacha.


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