[Avodah] Structure of Shmoneh Esrai [the Requests]

David Wacholder dwacholder at gmail.com
Wed Jul 17 15:25:17 PDT 2013

Begun - Avodah 31-136, Message: 5
Subject: [Avodah] Flow of middle stretch [Group B]

R' Mordechai Cohen quoted R' Bulmash OBM,  dividing the Amidah into
three parts:

#1 - #3 PRAISE [Group A]

#4-#16 REQUESTS  [Group B]

#17-#19  THANKS [Group C]

MC asks where is the Grand Structure in Group B? MC  seeks: An
architecture, a Grand Structure  that adds structure to the prayers.

R' MC has sent us a momentous invitation. I will rephrase and modify
the MC-Rav Bulmash arrangement:

R Bulman z'l hinted that the 12/13 requests  in Group B are  divided
into four groups of 3:

B-1 #4-#6 for individuals spiritual needs
                (for: #4daas/#5teshuvah/#6slicha)
B-2 #7-#9 for individuals guf needs
                (for: #7geulah/#8refuah/#9parnassa) +
B-3 #10-#12 for Klal Yisroel's spiritual needs
                (for: #10Collect the scattered*; #11Judges  who
lead/trebuild Torah,
                    #12control evil,
B-4 #13-#15 for Klal Yisroel's Bodily [guf]  needs
                     #13 righteous should prosper,
                     #14 rebuild Yerushalyim ,
                  #15 Reign of Messianic King
Either #16 G-d should Be a Responder/ a Listener -
OR #16 Hear Our Voice - Hearken to our requests -
          [COMPARE Aneinu Answer our Fast Day prayer]

Spiritual then physical Guf for Yachid,
Spiritual then physical for All as One

DW made four groups of exactly three brachot each, as MC suggested, EXCEPT:
he moved #10 COLLECT EXILES to B-3
he gave #13 RIGHTEOUS good Neighbors in #14 J'm, separating them from
#12 the wicked.
I left  #16 Hear our [silent] Voices an orphan in its own group.
As MC hinted, #12 was suspended by the wicked and reinstated; #15
David's Dynasty was added in Babylonia later.

DW left #16 an orphan,
B-5 Hear our prayers - the specific ones in B-1 through B-4;
              we have confidence in You
                          that You are listening closely to our prayers,
       that You hear even the silent unexpressed undifferentiated prayers,
                that You untangle the undifferentiated prayers
                        even before we ourselves hear them,
and You answer almost sooner than we express them.
              Ever are standing close by awaiting our prayers.
           Though our Earthly parents may be far away
                 You are always there to gather us in.

Since each time that we pray, we must add content, making each
audience with the King  unique and separately meaningful, I thank Rav
Bulmash, Hareinu Kaparas Mishkavo for the ideas.
And R' MC - may he continue to ask such magnificent questions and
Requests   - until all our prayers will be answered!!!


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