[Avodah] Havdalah During the Nine Days

Prof. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Thu Jul 11 12:06:11 PDT 2013

 From http://ohr.edu/5483

Have you given any thought to how you are going to make Havdalah this 
Motzai Shabbos? The proper way to perform Havdalah on Motzai Shabbos 
Chazon, the Shabbos preceding Tisha B'Av, is one annual issue that 
seems to always have disparate approaches. The main problem is that 
the very essence of Havdalah is ending Shabbos, resulting in the fact 
that it is actually recited during 'chol', weekday. That is fine for 
an ordinary week, but Motzai Shabbos Chazon is halachically part and 
parcel not only of the Nine Days, but actually considered 'Shavua 
shechal bah Tisha B'Av'. This means that even the Sefardim, who 
generally are lenient with the Three Weeks' and Nine Days' 
restrictions[1], are still required to keep them this week. And one 
of these restrictions prohibits drinking wine[2], the mainstay of 
Havdalah[3]. So how are we supposed to synthesize making Havdalah 
while not transgressing this restriction?

Please see the above URL for more.  YL.
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