[Avodah] A D'var During The Nine Days

cantorwolberg at cox.net cantorwolberg at cox.net
Mon Jul 8 06:52:21 PDT 2013

I once read an article entitled "The Amalek Within Us" by Rabbi Benzion C. Kaganoff z"l,
who was Rabbi for 47 years of Congregation Ezras Israel in Chicago, as well as past
president of Chicago Rabbinical Council and Chicago Board of Rabbis. He pointed out
that Amalek is not seen as an external foe but as our enemy within, for there is an 
Amalek within each one of us that we must blot out. 

Rashi (quoting the Midrash) gives several interpretations of the expression asher korcho
which is used to describe the dastardly act of Amalek (he chanced upon you…he made
you unclean…he cooled you). Rashi's third interpretation particularly spells out the sin
of Amalekism: It is an indifference to ideals, an apathy to great aims and a cooling off
of enthusiasm for the important things in life. I can personally attest to how true this can
be. Very often in life we must beware of the forces that will cool our enthusiasm, that will 
inject hesitation and doubt in our goals and purpose in life. The Kabbalists have pointed 
out that the Hebrew Amalek is numerically equivalent to safek, doubt. Both equal 240. 

These Nine Days tend to accentuate doubts of the past but offers hopes for the future.
May the Almighty comfort us amongst the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
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