[Avodah] Cellphones and Driving: A Halachik Perspective by R. Yosef Kanefsky

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Sat Dec 17 17:02:51 PST 2011

On 17/12/2011 5:57 PM, Micha Berger wrote:
> Bottom line is that we have a chiyuv to do the best we can to keep
> ourselves and others alive. And that means playing the odds, not
> pointing at the people bucking general consensus because of the
> minority of cases where they turn out to be right.

What makes you think that a few studies from a handful of people who
are highly nogeia badavar is "playing the odds"?  What makes you think
they turn out to be wrong in only a minority of cases?

Zev Sero        "Natural resources are not finite in any meaningful
zev at sero.name    economic sense, mind-boggling though this assertion
                  may be. The stocks of them are not fixed but rather
		 are expanding through human ingenuity."
		                            - Julian Simon

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