[Avodah] new chumrah

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Fri Dec 9 06:49:29 PST 2011

On 9/12/2011 5:45 AM, Eli Turkel wrote:
>> Weinberg adds, however, that anyone who places food over a flame must
>> at least observe the Jewish Sabbath. "It's not a question of clothing,
>> it's Jewish law," Weinberg says.

> see
> http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/kashrut-inspectors-jerusalem-burger-joint-workers-must-don-kippot-1.400439

[or <http://bit.ly/rSSXxH> -micha]

> what is the reason for such a halacha?
> As far as I know even a goy can put the food on a pre-existing fire

Only according to the Rama's kullah.  Since the majority of shomrei
mitzvot in EY do not follow the Rama's psakim, it doesn't make much
sense for a restaurant to rely on them.

Here in Brooklyn, where in most kosher restaurants the people who
work at the grill tend to be Mexican, Burgers Bar is a notable exception:
everybody who works at the grill is wearing a kippah.  I don't know that
they all do so after work, but at least they're Jewish, and I have no
grounds for suspecting them of chilul shabbos.

There used to be a place on Kings Hwy, which is a heavily Sefardi area,
that had a sign advising customers that if they were Sefardi they should
advise the mashgiach of this, so he could put their food on the fire for

Zev Sero
zev at sero.name

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