[Avodah] Subject: Re: The daf yomi in Chulin 128a Tanaim hold the kishus planted in an otsits sh???aino nakuf is yonaik min ha'aretz-

hankman hankman at bell.net
Sun Nov 6 11:04:18 PST 2011

RMB wrote:
Things we know are true but
could never experience might be "factual truth", but do nothing to shape
people, to accomplish halakhah's goals. Maggot eggs and microscopic
crustacians have no mamashus.

Birkhas haChamah is set to 365-1/4 day years, even though we knew tekufas
R' Adda was a more accurate estimate of the solar year. There are
numerous examples of chazal knowingly ignoring scientific accuracy in
facor of commonsensical notions of reality.

CM responds:
I think there is a fundamental difference between accepting a close value as reasonably close enough for practical use (as in your example of tekufas R' Adda, or the values of Pi, or the length of the hypotenuse of a right angled isosceles triangle etc) versus something where the fundamental idea is totally incorrect.

Kol Tuv

Chaim Manastrer

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