[Avodah] To Stand or Not to Stand for a Chosson and Kallah

Prof. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Thu Nov 3 06:52:52 PDT 2011

At 09:34 AM 11/3/2011, M Cohen wrote:
>RYL asked  .. If it is indeed the case that we stand when people are going
>to do a
>mitzvah,  then why don't we stand when the Baal Kriah gets up to
>lein,  when the Baal Shachris goes to the Amud to daven,  etc. ?
>indeed, r Yaakov kamanetsky writes that the minhag to stand for az yashir
>in pesukei d'zimra is to honor those going to give tzedah at that that time.

Most people stand well before Az Yashir at v'yevorech Dovid. However, 
this standing is optional.

>Mordechai cohen
>As for your question, what mitva/chiuv is Baal Shachris davening, Baal Kriah
>leining,  etc ?

Are you saying that there is no mitzva to read the Torah on Mondays, 
Thursdays and on Shabbos?  Is there no mitzva to daven with a minyan 
and hence the person leading the davening is not doing a mitzvah?

What about someone who puts on tefillin standing?  Is he not doing a 
mitzvah, yet people do not stand for someone putting on tefillin.


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