[Avodah] eating fish out

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Wed Oct 26 13:18:24 PDT 2011

On 26/10/2011 12:11 PM, Eli Turkel wrote:
> 3. I wonder how many of us could distinguish a cut piece of Salmon from another treif fish?

AIUI there is no treife fish that can be mistaken for salmon.

> The fact that some restaurants cheat indicates that many customers cant tell the difference

I've never heard of anyone cheating with salmon.  With other species,
it is notorious that cheating is rife, and one must see a skin tag.
Back in about 1980, the Melbourne Age found that 50% of fish sellers
in Victoria sell one species as another, and that there is effectively
no government supervision.  I have no reason to believe that anything
has changed in this regard, or that the situation is any better in other

Zev Sero        If they use these guns against us once, at that moment
zev at sero.name   the Oslo Accord will be annulled and the IDF will
                 return to all the places that have been given to them.
		                            - Yitzchak Rabin


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