[Avodah] Rav Yisroel Salanter - Teshuva On The Same Aveiros, Year, After Year, After Year....

Poppers, Michael MPoppers at kayescholer.com
Wed Oct 12 14:28:45 PDT 2011

In Avodah V28n199, RDR wrote:
> RPL:
> <<The Rambam says that real teshuva means that Hashem, who knows the 
secrets of your heart, must testify that you will never return to the 
aveira again.>>
> This is a bad translation.  "me'id alav" means "designate Him as a witness". <
(Checking the ToC for V28n199 and subsequent digests I've received, doesn't look like anyone responded to RDR's position.)
Perhaps I'm missing something, but the YaD text I have (Hilchos T'shuvah 2:2) is "v'yei'id alav Yodei'a ta'alumos" -- that seems to indicate that H' is the subject and "alav" refers to the ba'al t'shuvah, not H'! so how could the subject be "Him"?!  Thanks. 

Best wishes for a Gut Yuntef/Chag Sameach from 
-- Michael Poppers via BB pager

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