[Avodah] Vegetable Peeler: Clarification

shalomyitz at comcast.net shalomyitz at comcast.net
Mon Dec 5 17:06:28 PST 2011

I posted earlier a question about a rumor that Rav Moshe held that a vegetable peeler is not 
a special device for borer, and therefore can be used derech achila. I suggested that because this 
was based on the idea that the peel and the fruit are of one kind (a la the Pri Megadim), but also added 
that if that were so, then it was irrelevant whether the peeler was or wasn't a device designed for sorting. 

Rav Naftali Rothstein (RNR), whose shiur I was transmitting (although filtered through my somewhat faulty memory and 
understanding), clarifies: 

" The logic I was using to explain the peeler not being a special utensil for sorting was based 
upon something I saw in a book explaining R’ O. Yoseph’s position. However, I do not know if 
this is R’ Moshe’s logic, even if the rumor is correct. The reason why it is relevant is because 
the Pri megadim says that it’s considered one “min” (type) only when the peel is regularly 
eaten with the fruit (i.e. an apple) but if the peel is not eaten (i.e. a carrot) then it’s not 
considered one “min” rather it becomes “2 minim” and could be an issue of borer unless 
it is pealed in the “derech achila” fashion (right before eating and without a special utensil). 
So, in the case that you want to peel a carrot, you could not use a peeler unless you say that 
the peeler is considered just like a regular knife and therefore it is still considered the 
“derech achila” fashion." 

Now, I'm not sure I completely understand. If at least sometimes the peel and the 
vegetable are considered two minim (RNR's carrot), then the peeler is specifically 
for separating. Does the fact that it is only SOMETIMES separating two minim, and 
other times not, mean it takes the status of not a special tool. 

Suppose there were a type of beans that came with some very small ones and some 
larger ones. -- and I only wanted the larger ones. If I sometimes use my colander to separate 
out the smaller ones, that doesn't mean the colander loses its status as a sorting device 
for cases that are really borer. In other words, I still can't use it to strain spaghetti, can I? 

- Steve
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