[Avodah] Well, we are back to the achbor shechetsyo basarvechetsyo, adama in the daf yomi (hankman)

Lampel zvilampel at gmail.com
Mon Oct 31 15:49:33 PDT 2011

RMB: The natural philosophy of the day taught that such an animal 
existed. Chazal applied halakhah to that case. But they don't assert the 
case is real, they take that for granted.

CM responded: ...Yeti...a Saskwatch ... a Unicorn ...Nessie ... I am not 
sure why even in those days a mouse made half of basar and half of adama 
was not at least in the same class as these.... Besides when you ponder 
creatures you have never seen, but only heard about in legend or tales 
from travellers (who want to write a book), there is very little info 
and fact of the sort you need to base halacha on. ...
Relevant to both comments:

Rambam in Perush ha'Mishnayos (Chulin) writes, "This is a well-known 
matter; there is no end to the number of people who have told me that 
they have seen it. Such a thing is indeed astonishing, and I have no 
explanation for it."

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