[Avodah] using a pat of butter

kennethgmiller at juno.com kennethgmiller at juno.com
Sun Jun 20 18:50:22 PDT 2010

R' Michael Poppers asked:
> ... can one use solid butter on Shabbos (I'm thinking of 'shmearing'
> a pat onto baked goods, but I guess the Q would also be relevant to
> placing a pat onto a hot food)?  Seemingly involves not only a
> change from solid to liquid but also (more importantly?) m'macheiq.

Rav Eider, p 254, says that putting the butter on a hot potato would be bishul d'Oraisa, but in footnote 85 there, he clarifies that this is only if the butter was made from UNpasteurized milk. This is repeated on pg 317, and in both places he references Teshuva 19 of Rav Moshe Feinstein printed in the back of that volume (and reprinted in Igros Moshe O"C 4, pg 135, #6).

If the melting would be a problem, it would surely have been mentioned, which it wasn't. In fact, Rav Moshe's argument is that the butter "is made from cooked milk, and once it solidified, it became a Davar Yavesh, to which Bishul Achar Bishul doesn't apply, as explained in Magen Avraham #40 regarding fat which solidified..."

Regarding memachek, this doesn't apply to spreading butter on bread -- Mishne Brurah 321:82.

Akiva Miller

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