[Avodah] better not to have been born

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Thu Jun 10 10:33:50 PDT 2010

> First of all, the discussion is entirely theoretical
> and is devoid of the kind of practical consequences Singer would
> advocate. Whatever the merit of life may be, does not impact one's
> obligation to procreate, [...] He said to him: What have
> you to do with the secrets of the All-Merciful? You should have done
> what you were commanded, and let the Holy One, blessed be He, do that
> which pleases Him. [...]
> Secondly, nowhere does the Talmud indicate that the soul's shame or
> discomfort should be the deciding factor in establishing whether a
> soul ought to be born. In fact, the initial investigation is termed
> whether or not it is "more pleasant for man" to have been created,
> i.e., this is not an investigation into the duty to participate in
> life, but about what the egotistical choice of the soul would be.
> However, as it happens, our purpose is not to life egotistical life,
> but to be part of history's grand plan.

This reminds me of the gemara about gerim: From our egotistical point
of view, they are difficult for us like a leprous adhesion, and we'd
be better off without them.  But from Hashem's point of view, He wants
them so much that He sent us out among the nations for the sole purpose
of finding and recruiting them.  So much as it might be to our selfish
benefit to close the door and refuse to accept them, we have no right
to do so.  (And doing so would be rather like Cham's sin; denying our
Father more children, in order to protect our own inheritance.)

Zev Sero                      The trouble with socialism is that you
zev at sero.name                 eventually run out of other people’s money
                                                     - Margaret Thatcher

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