[Avodah] better not to have been born

Arie Folger afolger at aishdas.org
Thu Jun 10 07:48:17 PDT 2010

On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 4:43 PM, Micha Berger <micha at aishdas.org> wrote:
> On his blog, RAF discusses this article by Peter Singer and why Beis
> Shammai wouldn't agree with Mr Singer. See
> http://ariefolger.wordpress.com/2010/06/10/should-humanity-call-it-quits/
> Here's the more Torah-oriented 2/3 of the post. Whereas I read in
> the sources a dialectic between two humanist perspectives -- Is life
> worth living by the person's own standards? -- as I understand him,
> RAF questions the underlying use of a human metric.

Yasher koach for the publicity. I am indeed very interested in your reactions.

I should state here that in writing that post, I was inspired by R'
Menachem Leibrtag's approach to Navi, with mankind and particular
Mensch Yisroel's mission being to proclaim G"d's Name in the world and
to found a just society based upon His commandments, so that knowlegde
of G"d will spread in the world (ki maleah haaretz de'ah et H). Since
becomming acquainted with that understanding, I have found it
confirmed over and again by many of our sources, whether in TSBK or

(Caveat: To a hammer, everything looks like a nail.)
Arie Folger,
Recent blog posts on http://ariefolger.wordpress.com/
* Should Humanity Call it Quits
* Sollten wir alle Kohanim sein?
* Videovortrag: Wer hat die Psalmen verfasst?
* Die Gaza-Hilfsflotte kritisch betrachtet
* Offenbarter Vernunft - Aufsatz zu Ethik und Offenbarung
* Helping Patients Face Death, She Fought to Live

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