[Avodah] no smokers for my daughter

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Wed May 12 08:52:18 PDT 2010

>From Avekesh blog, a different issue

    An Australian researcher recently reported that some, so far mostly
    foreign, brands of cigarettes contain pig hemoglobin (blood).
    Is this a potential problem?

    Turns out there are discssions in classic poskim about similar issues.

    Chayei Adom (127:3) mentions that snuff tobacco contains yayin
    nesech as an additive. Many poskim take up the question of smoking
    on Pesach. The Magen Avrohom Orach Chaim (467:8:10) prohibited using
    tobacco during Pesach because it was soaked in beer and this view is
    accepted by the Maharam Shick (Orach Chaim 242), who suggested that
    the beer additive regains its chometz status even when it is smoked
    (see the Rosh's commentary at the beginning of the third perek of
    Pesachim), and is also quoted by the Mishneh Berurah (467:33).The
    Beis Meir, R. Chaim Sanzer in Divrei Chaim (Yoreh Deah 20) and R.
    Shlomo Kluger in Tuv Ta'am VeDa'as (3:1:131)contend that tobacco is
    nifsal meachilas kelev ("not fit for a dog", Pesachim 45b) and is not
    considered prohibited chometz. The Beis Meir suggests that ingestion
    by smoking may be considered drinking in halacha. The Magen Avraham
    (210:9) discusses whether or not a bracha is required when smoking
    "Tabak." The Minhag Yisroel Torah (210) cites the K'sav Sofer who
    says that based on the shaila posed by the Magen Avraham, R' Mordechai
    Banet, prior to smoking a cigarette, would make a shehakol on another
    food item with the intent to include the cigarette as well. However
    this is not a common practice in our days. The Aruch HaShulchan
    (Orach Chaim 467:17) points out that tobacco in his times was no
    longer soaked in beer.

    In conclusion, these reports need to be investigated and may pose
    real kashrus problems for smokers.

Sounds like the sichah keshtiyah.

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             Today is the 43rd day, which is
micha at aishdas.org        6 weeks and 1 day in/toward the omer.
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Fax: (270) 514-1507                           good for all mankind?

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