[Avodah] Who First Said It? 7 - Mourning during Sefirah

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Sat Apr 24 18:19:22 PDT 2010

On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 12:20:33AM +0200, Arie Folger wrote:
 Music is a later development. The notion of live music outside the
:> context of a party was to rare for our ancestors to build a minhag
:> around it one way or the other.

: Aha? Sotah 48a:
: According to Rashi, R'Huna's decree was against playing music both at
: parties (which are undefined and need not have been se'udot mitzvah)
: AND at home. Apparently people had music for leisurly entertainmentt
: back then, too. And it was sufficiently common that it radically
: impacted the demand for food, which indicates that this kind of
: expensive food was eaten at discretionary parties, not weddings. Think
: fancy meals inviting some friends at home, for example.

Chamber music.

But I would think you're making a distinction I wouldn't. Rashi is
describing having people over for a dinner party. A fancy meal with a
dozen guests at home and music is lehalakhah a party. No?

Gut Voch!

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