[Avodah] Revering Mother and Father

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Thu Apr 22 08:26:30 PDT 2010

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 08:19:20AM -0400, Yitzchok Levine quoted RSRH,
Vayiqra 19:3:
: The essence of Yirah is obedience: subordinating one’s will to the
: will of the one to whom Yirah is directed.

Again, I have a hard time agreeing. (And have the chutzpah to say so,
because I am saying I agree with others.)

See R' Avram Elya Kaplan's "Be'iqvos haYir'ah"
<http://www.aishdas.org/raek/yirah.pdf>. From RYGB's loose translation
of some excerpts at <http://www.aishdas.org/rygb/raek.htm>:
    ...But one who has not traversed the actual pathway of illumination
    [that of the prophets and the sages],he who stands opposite the
    rays of light, at some distance, possesses little understanding of
    this term [yir'ah]. It would be better had he never known this term,
    and was now learning it for the first time. But this is his problem:
    He knows it, but does not know it properly. He possesses a dangerous
    translation of the entire concept, and cannot avoid its negative
    ramifications. For example, when we mention yir'ah to this person he
    can only translate it thus: Bent head, wrinkled brow, glazed eyes,
    hunched back, trembling left hand, right hand clapping al cheit,
    knocking thighs, failing knees, stumbling heels. And he does not know
    that this translation is heretical for the one who knows what yir'ah
    is and what it means, the source from which it flows, and from whence
    it comes... There are times that demand tears and eulogies... It
    is necessary then to stoop like rushes and take up sackcloth and
    ashes. Times come upon the world when our sins require these. Such,
    however, is not Yir'as Hashem, not it and not even part of it. It
    is not yir'ah's essence, but only preparation for it...

    Yir'ah is not anguish, not pain, not bitter anxiety. To what may
    yir'ah be likened? To the tremor of fear which a father feels when
    his beloved young son rides his shoulders as he dances with him and
    rejoices before him, taking care that he not fall off. Here there is
    joy that is incomparable, pleasure that is incomparable. And the fear
    tied up with them is pleasant too. It does not impede the freedom of
    dance... It passes through them like a spinal column that straightens
    and strengthens. And it envelops them like a modest frame that lends
    grace and pleasantness... It is clear to the father that his son is
    riding securely upon him and will not fall back, for he constantly
    remembers him, not for a moment does he forget him. His son's every
    movement, even the smallest, he feels, and he ensures that his son
    will not sway from his place, nor incline sideways - his heart is,
    therefore, sure, and he dances and rejoices. If a person is sure
    that the "bundle" of his life's meaning is safely held high by the
    shoulders of his awareness, he knows that this bundle will not fall
    backwards, he will not forget it for a moment, he will remember it
    constantly, with yir'ah he will safe keep it. If every moment he
    checks it - then his heart is confident, and he dances and rejoices...

    When the Torah was given to Israel solemnity and joy came down bundled
    together. They are fused together and cannot be separated. That is the
    secret of "gil be're'ada" (joy in trembling) mentioned in Tehillim.
    Dance and judgment, song and law became partners with each other...
    Indeed, this is the balance... A rod30 of noble yir'ah passes
    through the rings of joy... [It is] the inner rod embedded deep in
    an individual's soul that connects end to end, it links complete
    joy in this world (eating, drinking and gift giving) to that which
    is beyond this world (remembering the [inevitable] day of death31)
    to graft one upon the other so to produce eternal fruit.

    A Swedish wise man, when once discussing sanctity, said: "The
    sanctity of an individual proves that he who possesses it has a
    direct relationship with the strongest source of existence." In my
    opinion, in the conception of Judaism this is a definition of yir'ah
    (but sanctity - kedusha - is loftier still, we have a different idea
    of it, but this is not the place to define it). What is yir'ah? It is
    the broad jump over the vast gap between myself and my Creator... It
    is a mitzvah to separate - to separate from smallness! Fly over
    barriers! And from there quest Him, for there you will find Him...

    Indeed, this is the direct relationship. Indeed, this is the true
    vision that we call yir'ah...

RAEK notes the words we say in "Vayosha H', leading to Az Yashir. What's
the progression?
    Vayar Yisrael - vision, which causes
    Vayir'u ha'am - yir'ah, which then inspires
    Az yashir Mosheh...

Yir'ah is the overlapping emotion between awe and fear. It's knowledge
that you're dealing with something significant. Yir'ah is the additional
factor in your own child's wedding -- the uncertainty about the future
and the amount your life is changing personally -- that makes that event
a more joyous occasion for you than your friend's child.

(A sign of my age: My mashal was about a child's wedding; speaking of
one's own wedding didn't come to mind as readily.)

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             Today is the 23rd day, which is
micha at aishdas.org        3 weeks and 2 days in/toward the omer.
http://www.aishdas.org   Gevurah sheb'Netzach: How does my domination
Fax: (270) 514-1507                            stifle others?

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