[Avodah] Zerizus in the Haggadah

Danny Schoemann doniels at gmail.com
Wed Apr 14 06:25:13 PDT 2010

RMB asked:

Okay, so why is our [answer] to the chakham "kehilkhos hapesach"? And
second, why "ein maftirin achar hapesach afiqoman" as opposed to any
law? If it's because this is the last law of the seder, why not "ad
ein maftirim..."?

R' MM Kasher zt"l in the Hagoda Sheleima (adding together from notes
98 - 104) answers as follows.

The chakham is asking: why don't we eat the Korban Pessach earlier on
in the Seder - isn't KP the focal point of the Seder?
The chakham refers to it in a clever way; the item which is:
- Edus: that reminds us of the RBSO skipping over the Jewish homes
- Chukim: we can't break Korban Pessach bones or eat it in 2 homes
- Mispotim: non-circumcised cannot eat from it
- "that HaShem command YOU": and "us kids" are not able to have our
own Korban Pessach

And you should answer him: That's "kehilkhos hapesach"; one of the
laws of KP; "ein maftirin achar hapesach afiqoman" we cannot eat after
it, so we have to keep it for last.

(Not quite as Lomdish as RMB)

- Danny

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