[Avodah] Our Attitude Toward Mitzvos

kennethgmiller at juno.com kennethgmiller at juno.com
Tue Apr 13 14:15:05 PDT 2010

R' Yitzchok Levine wrote:
> What should our attitude toward observing mitzvos be?  I have at
> times heard people say, "I do this and that, but such and such I
> do not believe that I have to do."

I have probably used such words at one time or another. I'll have to be more careful, because I never meant to suggest, chalilah, that I reject the authority of HaShem or Chazal, only that I question whether the specified act is required or not.

For example, I'll say, "I cover my head when davening, but I do not believe that I have to wear any specific style of covering, other than it be respectful." I suppose it is possible that some listmembers feel that the way I dress for davening is *not* adequately respectful, but that is a dispute in Hilchos Tefilah, and is not (or should not be) relevant to my acceptance of Hashem's authority.

Similarly, I suppose it is possible that there are some women listmembers whose sleeves or skirts or haircoverings would be considered unacceptable to certain other listmembers. I am confident that the vast majority of such women listmembers would never dream of saying "I keep Shabbos, but I do not believe that I have to dress any particular way." Rather, the vast majority of listmembers are committed to doing what HaShem wants us to do. There's no disagreement about that - the disagreements lie in our understandings of exactly what HaShem does or does not demand of us. (To make myself even clearer: If a woman listmember wears sleeves of a length that RYL or I would consider against halacha, I am nevertheless confident that the woman is following authorities (real or imagined) who allow such a length, or perhaps she is simply mistaken, but NOT, chalilah, that she rejects the concept.)

RYL quotes Rav Dr. Breuer as writing:

> Whatever command or prohibition of God it may be that prompts
> one to ask why one should do this and not that, there is
> always but one and the same answer: Because it is the Will of
> God, and it is your duty to be the servant of God with all
> your powers and resources and with every breath of your life.
> This answer is not only adequate; it is essentially the only
> one possible...

It is always good to be reminded about such things, and I thank RYL for posting it. But I really hope there aren't any listmembers who need to be convinced of it.

Akiva Miller

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