[Avodah] Gedolim Sign Letter Against Worms in Fish

Yitzchok Levine Larry.Levine at stevens.edu
Wed May 12 15:38:27 PDT 2010

This is dated 4/25/10 and this is the first that I have heard about this.  YL

>From http://tinyurl.com/2bh5elq
Breaking News - Gedolim Sign Letter Against Worms in Fish
By 5TJT Staff
on Sunday, April 25, 2010

The 5TJT has just received word that this past Friday, Rav Elyashiv,
Rav Vosner, and Rav Karelitz have all signed upon a Kol Koreh declaring
the Anisakis worm to be completely forbidden even when it was found in
the flesh of fish.

The three Rabbinic leaders signed the letter after it was proven to
them beyond any doubt that the overwhelming majority of the Anisakis
worms enter the flesh of the fish through the viscera of the fish itself.
The Rabbis rejected the alternative reading of the Shulchan Aruch Chapter
84 that was promulgated by a number of Rabbis in America and England.
In that reading, the author of the Shulchan Aruch categorically states
that all worms found in the flesh are permitted to be consumed even if
it is known that the worms arrived in the flesh directly from the Mayaim
the guts of the fish.

This was the reading that Kadassiah in England and the OU in New York
were trying to fit into the Shulchan Aruch, remarked one Rabbi deeply
involved in the Anisakis controversy. The problem with the reading is
that it is not in line with the thinking of the Rishonim on the matter.

It is estimated that despite the written ruling which will be released
in the next day or two, it may take some time for the Kashrus agencies
to change their policies on the fish.

The letter was written at the behest of Rabbi Gershon Bess from the RCC
in Los Angeles, California. Earlier last week, Rabbi Bess visited Rabbi
Revachs laboratory in Beit Uziell. The laboratory found over sixty
Anisakis worms in one specimen of salmon.

The 5TJT had previously reported that there was little room to indicate
that the worms would be considered kosher in light of the evidence
that the worms do in fact migrate from the viscera. The previous
article listed which fish were permitted, and may be read at

[Email #2. -micha]

Has anyone seen the letter that is mentioned in the article at 
[or <http://bit.ly/9Rfj8R>]
Gedolim Sign Letter Against Worms in Fish ?

I searched, but I could not find it. This is surprising to me.


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