[Avodah] No Smokers for My Daughters

Prof. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Thu May 6 09:22:59 PDT 2010

Please see the article at 

I find it strange that Jonathan Rosenblum does not mention the psak 
titled "The Prohibition of Smoking in Halacha" that is 
at  http://www.rabbis.org/pdfs/Prohibition_Smoking.pdf   In light of 
this, how can one call any young person who takes up smoking a Ben Torah?

When I emailed Rosenblum pointing this out, he replied, "That is not 
a universally subscribed to opinion. I did not want to get into it." 
I asked him for the names of those who disagreed with the RCA 
opinion, but I have not heard back from him. Does anyone know of a 
poseik who permits smoking today in light of what we know of the 
health risks of this habit?


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