[Avodah] 2 sinks vs. 2 fridges

Danny Schoemann doniels at gmail.com
Tue Apr 27 11:50:02 PDT 2010

If you had the choice between a kitchen with 2 sinks or a kitchen with
2 fridges, as a frum Yid, which would you choose?

I was sure that the answer was:
Surely 2 sinks - since washing meat and milk dishes in the same sink
is a hassle - requiring sink inserts. The fridge is cold, so what's
could go wrong there?

After reading Yorah De'ah 95:3 - 6 I suspect that 2 fridges may be the
more correct thing to do.

It appears to me that:

- (95:3-4): Washing meat and milk dishes together is not really much
of a kashrus problem unless the water is without soap and above Yad
Soledes and there's fatty residue involved.

- (95:5-6): Putting dishes with meat next to dishes with milk in the
same box is not allowed - especially if they are not properly sealed.
(At least in Israel milk comes in bags and is therefore "open" once
the corner is cup open.)

So should we buy a second fridge to replace one of our sinks?

- Danny, Pessach Sheni, 29th day of the Omer.

Danny Schoemann
Goldknopf 41/6, Ramat Shlomo, Jerusalem

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