[Avodah] [Areivim] Stop illegal dumping of religious items in Lake wood

kennethgmiller at juno.com kennethgmiller at juno.com
Mon Apr 26 10:31:59 PDT 2010

R' Micha Berger wrote:

> R' Pam told R' Matis Blum that me'ikar hadin, Torah periodicals that
> are usually not kept for a later re-read, such as parashah sheets,
> that don't actually contain sheim Hashem don't require burial.

If they are not kept for a later re-read, what DO people do with them?

Are we saying that because people discard these periodicals, we are therefore allowed to discard them? Isn't that circular reasoning?

> The fact that we generally treat divrei Torah with more respect
> than torn taliosos is offset by the fact that it was never intended
> to be permanent.

If it was not intended to be permanent, then what WAS the intention? That they should be discarded?

I honestly do not see any distinction between the typical Parsha Sheet handed out in shul, vs. any randomly chosen halacha sefer printed by ArtScroll or Feldheim, or even a Gemara. They all have little or no Hebrew (though I suppose Aramaic might count as a lashon kodesh). They all avoid ever having any of the Seven Names Which May Not Be Erased. They all *are* used for learning Torah. What is the distinction which some claim allows one to go to the garbage while the other needs genizah?

Akiva Miller

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