[Avodah] sobering thoughts

Saul.Z.Newman at kp.org Saul.Z.Newman at kp.org
Thu Apr 22 10:36:11 PDT 2010

(Personally, I understand the anti-Zionist position more readily than
I understand Agudah's. Li nir'eh, it's obvious that the Medinah is a
significant event. I can faster understand someone attributing negative
significance than denying it altogether.)

--- that  was  what i believe  i  indicated , if  we  use the 
bilaam-iyov-yitro  example.  without  having  to choose  which  extreme is 
yitro,  the iyov's  are  going to appropriately get whacked from both 
sides... and it would be like given the eliyahu baal-hashem choice, that 
the people choose  'neither'....
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