[Avodah]HaRav Yosef Ber Soloveitchik on Saying Hallel on Yom Ha’Atzma’ut

rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Wed Apr 21 10:13:43 PDT 2010

> And he never headed Mizrachi and he didn't write Fir Derashes (or the
> expanded Hebrew version, "Chameish Derashos")?

Yes if one sticks to history and sources one realizes this is senseless

HOwever if one deconstructs based upon affilation to retrofit a
revisionist POV back into time, then what's the probem?

If he holds Halachiclly that Zionism is bad, and so he reads anti-Zionism
back into RYBS's bio, what's wrong with that?

He is deconstructing what was, and reconstructung so as to fit what
he thinks RYBS SHOULD BE - or shuould HAVE BEEN.

Like assigning the youngest son for the qustions of the mishnah based upn
OUR perceptions rather than as originally intended - or construed by EG
Shulchan Aruch
- The latter 3 posit the child asks "why mozgim kos sheini'

Frankly I see this going on when s'fira. - a Gaonoic creature - is
revisionistically assigned a Talmudic valence. EG Hoq Yaakov in O"ch
493 re: minhaggim of s'fira states - in a safeiq don't be machmir,
it's only a minhag!


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