[Avodah] Lo Plug

rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Wed Apr 14 09:40:56 PDT 2010

Eli Turkel eliturkel at gmail.com:
> As an aside I have never understood the application of "Lo plug".
> Half the time we use it and half the time poskim say the two cases
> are different.

> A classical case is lighting candles for YomTov. The wife of the perisha
> says to say the bracha before lighting while MA argues and says lo plug.
> My impression is that most (ashkenazi) women hold like the perisha's
> wife. There are many other such cases including chalav akum

Kinda apples and oranges

Haleiv "aku'm"'s stature is Talmudic in nature

AFAIK There is nothing in talmud about how to light candles for YT
[Except for a non-extant Yerushalmi quoted by hagahot Miamoniyyot]

Same for brachot on lighting which Maggid Mishneh attributes to Seder
Rav Amram Gaon.

So in these cases "lo plug" could be completely different in nature.

Usually A talmudic g'zeira would be more subject to Lo Plug than a post
Talmudic G'zeira

Consider the meat unsalted for 72 hours.
Which is Gaonic. An exception is made when re-soaked - allowing the
clock to start over again. BUT afaik this exemption not in the original
g'zeira itself. But, it didn't have to be.

As far as this MGA goes I have to see it inside. It is very strange to
me to apply a real "lo plug"

OTOH, EG there are rabbis who insist on ending taanis tzibbur using
the same criteria for tzeis as Shabbos, even though they are differen -
namely one is d'+raisso and other derabbaan. The "Lo Plug" is probably
about confusing people re: 2 flavors of tzeis.

Also KAJ-Breuer's has a level time for issur hametz erev Pesach regardless
of the sha'os z'maniyos, but yet it does account for Standard vs. Daylight

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