[Avodah] Tiqun Layl HaSeder vs. Tiqun Layl Shavuos

rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Tue Apr 13 19:05:24 PDT 2010

Akiva Miller <kennethgmiller at juno.com>:
> "It's the wine :-)". (He smiled when he said it.)

This actually might be quite serious!
Indeed I was sort of m'chavein to this as follows

On layl shavuos people consume coffee and snacks in order to stay up
and learn

While on layl seder we may davka NOT eat after the afikoman nor
drink after 4th cup of wine - except water [some are meiqel allowing

So this led me to believe that Hazal did NOT want to force us to stay up

RATHER, so long as we ARE up they set up a program of what to
learn/discuss, but they did NOT really expect us to stay up.

So kudos to Akiva's approach

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