[Avodah] woman reading a ketuba
Mike Miller
avodah at mikeage.net
Wed Dec 31 03:09:41 PST 2008
On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 11:19 AM, Eli Turkel <eliturkel at gmail.com> wrote:
> any problem with a woman reading a ketuba at a wedding?
Two quick online maareh mekomos:
http://www.torahweb.org/torah/2004/parsha/rsch_dvorim2.html - RHS's
famous parrot and monkey quote
http://www.5as.org/content/default.asp?artid=207 - A somewhat more modern view
My own personal take; given that the primary point of reading the
kesuba is to have a hefsek; what better way to be mafsik than by doing
something controvertial which will force everyone to start whispering,
talking, interrupting, and maybe even walking out? ;)
I don't know what the minhag hamakom is in Israeli (non-chareidi,
obviously) circles is; in America, all the non-chareidi weddings I
attended always had a non-trivial chareidi population, and I never
actually saw this in practice. I'm sure it's done, however, and I find
it hard to argue why it's wrong for communities where women regularly
address large mixed crowds in a formal religious setting.
-- Mike Miller
Ramat Bet Shemesh
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