[Avodah] priorities in halacha

Eli Turkel eliturkel at gmail.com
Wed Dec 24 10:35:09 PST 2008

Q: Is it an obligation to have a silver chanukiyah?
A: The basic mitzvah is that any material is suitable for a chanukiyah,
but like all mitzvot, one can embellish the mitzvah (hiddur mitzvah).
Therefore, a silver chanukiyah is proper. But the Pele Yoetz writes that
even better than what is "proper" is what is "preferable": such as
giving the extra money to the poor.>>

Why not say this about every "zeh keli veanvehu". Instead of buying a more
mehudaer etrog give money to tzedaka and similarly for all sorts of other

Eli Turkel

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