[Avodah] Practical Psak: Circular Menoras

Danny Schoemann doniels at gmail.com
Wed Dec 10 02:00:22 PST 2008

Pursuant to the threads about the process of Paskenin.

The Gemora clearly states one can fill a bowl with oil, surround it
with wicks, cover it and use it for a Chanuka Menora (Chanukia in
modern Hebrew).

The Shulchan Aruch paskens this (271:4), the Remo is more reluctant
though he allows a circular Menora.

The Biur Halocho bring a Rsh"l who says that round is not Hidur Mitzva.

Contemporary authors make it sound like [semi-]circular Menoras are no good.

Why is it that a lone opinion is championed, especially when it's a Chumra?

- Danny, trying to get back to basics

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