[Avodah] pikuach nefesh

Daniel Eidensohn yadmoshe at 012.net.il
Fri Nov 14 04:53:58 PST 2008

Rich, Joel wrote:
>  There was a  quote   in the New Jersey Jewish News   that his Rabbi 
> told  Rahm Emanuel  that it was permissible to take  a  conference 
> call on Rosh Hashanah about the bailout package because "I felt it was 
> a case of Pikuach Nefesh".  
> Without commenting on the applicability in this case, are there 
> thsuvot that examine the boundaries of "indirect" pikuach nefesh for a 
> tzibbur; and the interplay with the level of issur?
Pikuach nefesh - means a threat to physical life. Will the person commit 
suicide or die from a stroke or fear? The major source is yoma 84b-85a
There is some extension to loss of spiritual life in O.C. 306
Some would assert that the loss of ability to keep mitzvos - such as 
total blindness or insanity might be called pikuach nefesh.

Perhaps the heter was given because of perceived danger to Emmanuel 
because he would not be handle the stress of not being involved and that 
this was life threatening to him.

Daniel Eidensohn
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