[Avodah] The Teshuva for Hide and Seek
Cantor Wolberg
cantorwolberg at cox.net
Wed Oct 8 13:43:58 PDT 2008
One use of the word "Teshuva" is answer or response. Hence, many
responsas are written by rabbis to answer certain legalistic questions.
With that in mind, God dictated the "teshuvot" (Torah) to Moses which
he wrote down. God gave the answer and we asked the questions.
Now on Yom Kippur, it is in reverse. God asks the questions and we
give the "teshuvot" the answers. If we give the correct answer, then we
have done our "teshuva." May our "teshuvot" address all of God's
I read an interesting metaphor for the game "Hide And Seek". We play
Hide and Seek with God. All year God hides from many of us but at this
most sacred season, if we "Seek" Him, He maybe found.
"Dirshu HaShem B'himatz'o k'ra'uhu bih'yoto karov" Seek ye the Lord
while He may be found; Call upon Him while He is near. Isaiah 55:6
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