[Avodah] What is a saris?

Michael Makovi mikewinddale at gmail.com
Mon Mar 31 04:00:28 PDT 2008

> My shocking statement that led to all this was that when the Megillah says
> sarisei hamelech, it means eunuchs, and not just servants.
> Any comments on my translation of saris as eunuch?  Am I crazy, or are all
> the people who are surprised by my translation crazy?
> KT,
> Michael

It says Memuhan was one of the sarei (shin-resh-yud), not a saris
(sin-resh-yud-samech) (1:14). He was a prince, not a servant/eunuch.
If Haman = Memuhan = sar (shin-resh), no problem saying saris = eunuch
not servant.

Anyway, b'li safek those in charge of the harem were davka eunuchs -
you want someone trustworthy around women permitted only to the king.
2:3 speaks of Heigeh the saris ha-melech shomer ha-nashim.

As for the rest of the king's servants (i.e. his servants who served
elsewhere besides the harem, eg. messengers and cooks and waiters,
etc.),  I would ask an expert in Persian history. How about R' Yaakov
Elman at YU (I have his email)? I figure he knows the Megilla somewhat
well (I'm being facetious), and I know he knows Persian history.

Mikha'el Makovi

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