[Avodah] tachanum on Sunday (who holds what..)

Michael Makovi mikewinddale at gmail.com
Tue Mar 25 10:38:55 PDT 2008

>  Which reminds me something I once heard about a bit of a tummel which took
>  place in a BHMD in BP, when the "chassidish" BT skipped Tachanun.
>  A "yeshivish" mispallel got quite upset, but the BT replied 'and what about
>  you "Litvaks"'? 'How come your regularly skip saying "korbonos"'?
>  Is this correct? And if so, what indeed, is the reason for this?
>  R' SBA

I'm pretty sure it's simply not Ashkenazi minhag. Many of the
Sefaradim I know are very makpid to say Korbanot, and Nusach Sefarad /
Chassidim presumably got it from the Sefaradim. But the Ashkenazim,
AFAIK, were not makpid on this - as far as I remember, no Ashkenazi
halachic sefer lays serious stress on the matter.

Kitzur Shulchan Aruch goes straight from chapter 13 "The Sanctity of
the Synagogue and the House of Study" to chapter 14, "Pesukei
Dezimra", with no mention of korbanot, AFAIK.

Mikha'el Makovi

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