[Avodah] Intermarriage in the Torah

Daniel Eidensohn yadmoshe at 012.net.il
Thu Mar 20 03:06:08 PDT 2008

R' Richard Wolpoe wrote:
> It might give a new peshat in Yehuda and Tamar!  IOW Tamar was to be 
> put to death for going outside the family. But once she was found to 
> be impregnated from inside the family [ viz. a quasi-pre-Sinai Yibbum] 
> she was now OK.
*Yevamos[1] <#_ftn1>**(100b): *Rav Papa objected, if that is so than 
what is the significance of Bereishis (17:7), “To be a G‑d to you and to 
your descendants after you?”  G‑d was telling Avraham not to marry an 
idolatress or a maidservant in order that Avraham’s seed should not 
follow after her [and not after Him].


[1] <#_ftnref1>  *יבמות (ק:):* מתקיף לה רב פפא: אלא מעתה, גבי אברהם 
דכתיב: (בראשית יז:ז) להיות לך לאלהים ולזרעך אחריך, התם מאי קא מזהר ליה 
רחמנא? הכי קאמר ליה: לא תנסב עובדת כוכבים ושפחה, דלא ליזיל זרעך בתרה.

*Avoda Zara[1] <#_ftn1>**(36b):*[[ Perhaps [the explanation is that] the 
Biblical ordinance is against intercourse [with non-Jews] through 
marriage, and they came and decreed even against immoral connection with 
them. But the decree against such connection had already been made by 
the Court of Shem, for it is written, And Judah said, Bring her forth 
and let her be burnt!


[1] <#_ftnref1>  *עבודה זרה (לו:):* זנות נמי בבית דינו של שם גזרו, 
דכתיב: +בראשית לח+ ויאמר יהודה הוציאוה ותשרף!

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