[Avodah] purim drinking

Aryeh Stein aesrusk at gmail.com
Mon Mar 17 19:50:40 PDT 2008

>>>for those makpid to be drunk ,or  at least affected enough to sleep ,on
purim---   is this independent of the seuda?  ie   is it appropriate
to do the drinking  before the seuda---and then
one must leave enough time to recuperate to eat a seuda while not

It is brought down in Halichos Shlomo vol 2 (p. 334) that it is proper
to not eat on Purim day until one has fulfilled all of the mitzvos
hayom.  RSZA made sure to give shaloch manos and matanos l'evyonim as
soon as he returned from shul on Purim morning.  He would then wash
for bread and a morning seudah and receive visitors and drink a little
wine with them and talk in learning.  (He also used to give shaloch
manos to everyone that gave him until it got too hard for his
rebbetzin.)  He would then take a nap (to be mekayim "ad d'lo yada"
according to the suggestion of the Rama.)

After chatzos and mincha, but before washing for the main seudah, RSZA
would learn a bit (again, like the Rama).  During the seuda, RSZA
learnt some hilchos Pesach (since it is 30 days before yom tov).
Among the songs that he sung, he sang the "Shoshanas Yaakov" of R'
Yitzchak Blazer [anyone know what tune this is?]

So, to deal with RSN's question, while RSZA drank and slept in the
morning to fulfill "ad d'lo yada," this was not really independent of
the seudah, since RSZA has a morning seudah as well as an afternoon

KT and FP,

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