[Avodah] Shechting animals upside down

Elazar M. Teitz remt at juno.com
Fri Mar 14 12:19:33 PDT 2008

R. Zev Sero writes:

<. . .the Israeli Rabbanut will not allow the import of
meat that is not shechita munachat.>

    Not fully accurate.

    About 25 years ago, a pen was developed in which the animal stood in too narrow a space to move its feet, and a metal plate held its head fixed against the top of the pen so that the head could not move.  (It was known, IIRC, as the Cross pen, named for the Cross Bros. shlachthoiz where it was first used.)  The slaughterhouse under the hashgacha of my father z"l adopted it after he determined that there were no halachic impediments to its use, and the meat was fully accepted by the rabbanut and by all others. (The slaughterhouse was used, at different times, by the sh'chitos of Breuer's, Lubavitch, and Satmar, and once the pen was introduced, shackling and hoisting was discontinued, and the pen used, by all of them.)

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